3 Tips from your Dentist for dental visits with children


We at Hendon Dental understand the stress that often surrounds a child’s visit to the dentist. Some children may feel a level of fear and anxiety, which can make these necessary visits a challenge for parents. Therefore, we have compiled three tips to help make your child’s dental visit more comfortable and stress-free.

TIP 1: Preparation is key

Trouble often begins with the unknown. Children don’t always know what to expect during a trip to the dentist, and their imagination can create scenarios that incite fear and stress. To help alleviate these fears, we recommend discussing the visit in advance. In simple, child-friendly language, talk to them about what they can expect, and reassure them that the dentist in Hendon is there to help keep their teeth healthy. There are even several children’s books about visiting the dentist in Hendon that can also be helpful.

TIP 2: Positive Affirmations

Another way to soothe your child’s nerves is through positive affirmation. Whether it’s their first dental visit or their fifth, it’s important that they associate it with positivity. This means, talking about the field of dentistry in a positive light, praising your child for being brave and focusing on the achievement of having completed the visit. Your child will appreciate the affirmation and reassurance from a trusted figure.

TIP 3: Roleplay

Before the dental appointment, it could help to engage in a pretend dental visit. This playful activity allows your child to familiarise themselves with the sequence of a typical dental visit, from sitting in the dentist’s chair to brushing. For children, unfamiliar situations can be frightening, but something as simple as roleplay can provide a sense of fun and comfort.

TIP 4: Aftercare and Rewards

Finally, consider rewarding your child after a successful visit to soothe and reassure them. This doesn’t have to be a monetary reward – it can be as simple as extra playtime, their favourite meal for dinner, or a sticker. Providing positive reinforcement will help them associate the dental practice with positive outcomes. Just avoid offering candy or sugary treats as rewards, as this does not support a healthy oral health message!

We at Hendon Dental strive to make each child’s dental visit as stress-free and comfortable as possible. Dental care and early intervention play a crucial role in establishing healthy oral hygiene habits, and we want to provide the most supportive environment for children to learn and grow. Remember, it gets easier with each visit!

Overall, there have been incredible advancements in the industry to make paediatric dentistry more approachable and less scary for children. From gentle tools to a more fun and engaging atmosphere, these evolutions in dentistry have made significant strides in ensuring that every dental visit is stress-free and even enjoyable for our little ones.

As your child’s dental health professionals and your dentist in Hendon we will use these tips and more to help create a positive experience for them. Our focus is always on comfort and care, and we believe that with the right approach, you and your child can look forward to dental visits without stress or fear.