Mouth cancer screening and healthy teeth and gums with our dentist in Hendon


It is important that you visit our dentist in Hendon on a regular basis to make sure that your teeth and gums are clean and healthy, and that your mouth is free of any signs of decay or disease.

Detecting and diagnosing mouth cancer

Each time you visit us at Hendon dental you will undergo a thorough examination of your mouth. This includes looking for any signs of cavities, tooth decay, or gum disease. Our dentist in Hendon also carries out an oral cancer screening as part of the examination. This includes looking at the soft tissues of the mouth, especially the tongue and the floor of the mouth, in search for areas of irritation such as sores on the tonsils, gums, tongue or lining of the mouth. We will also look for any lumps on the cheek, gums, and lips.  If we suspect anything abnormal, then we will refer you to your doctor for further investigation.

More than 8000 people in the UK are diagnosed with mouth cancer every year. Across the world it is the sixth most common type of cancer. It can be diagnosed by carrying out a biopsy which is a quick and simple procedure that involves taking cells from the mouth for testing. If necessary, this will be followed by X-rays to show if cancer cells have spread. A CT scan will reveal any tumours, and an MRI scan will show the progress of the cancer and what stage it is at.

If you are having difficulty chewing, swallowing, or speaking, if you are experiencing pain or discomfort when moving your mouth or jaw, or if you have any bleeding sores then you need to visit our dentist in Hendon or speak to your GP. Other signs and symptoms include having a dry mouth, having constant bad breath, or having a sore throat or tongue.

Smoking cessation

Oral mouth cancer screening should be carried out every year, especially if you are a smoker. This is because smokers are at 10 times higher risk for dental complications and mouth cancer. You can speak to our dentist in Hendon to find out about smoking cessation. If you stop smoking, this will improve your oral health in many ways and benefit your overall health and well being at the same time.

It is important that you visit our dentist at least once every 6 months, even if you have healthy teeth and gums. This will help ensure that you have excellent dental health, a beautiful smile, and ensure any early signs of oral mouth cancer are spotted. According to the NHS, an early diagnosis can boost the chance of survival from 50% to 90%; studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between regular dental visits and earlier stage diagnosis for oral and pharyngeal cancer.

Speak to us at Hendon dental today and book an appointment for you and all your family. Let us make sure that your teeth are clean and free of plaque and tartar so that you can enjoy healthy teeth, strong gums, good dental health and well-being, and enjoy a beautiful smile for the future.