Find your dentist at Hendon Dental!


At Hendon Dental, we understand how difficult it can be to find a dentist in Hendon that can do everything you need under one roof – that’s why we have a wide range of treatments to suit every individual patient’s needs. Whether you are looking for NHS or private dentistry, our dentist in Hendon will help you to maintain a healthy and happy smile. We offer a range of treatments from general dentistry to cosmetic, preventive and restorative ones. However, if you want to complete your look, we also offer facial aesthetics treatments to help you achieve a more youthful glow. While it may sound strange, the thought of visiting a dentist for your facial aesthetics treatments, there are certainly stranger things. Dentists are experts in facial anatomy, so if it’s a choice between someone with a day training course, who’s set up in her living room or our skilled professionals who are used to performing delicate procedures, it is an easy decision to make! To help you decide which treatment you would like to have, we also offer free consultations to discuss the options with our friendly team, who are here to answer all of your burning questions!

Anti-wrinkle treatments

If you have fine lines or wrinkles, there is a way that you can reduce the appearance of them without the need for major surgery. We use an injectable solution, botulinum toxin type A, to inject the areas of concern and you should see the results within a few days of having your treatment. Often after 7 to 14 days, the results are completely visible and your skin should look smoother and more youthful. This is because the injections block the nerve impulses in your facial muscles, which allows the skin to relax. The treatment lasts for just a few minutes, so it is perfect for having done when you are on a lunch break, and you won’t need to have any downtime following the procedure. You will be free to continue with your day as normal. You will need to have treatment every 3 months to maintain the results and keep looking your gorgeous, youthful self!

Dermal fillers

Another option that we have with our dentist in Hendon is dermal fillers. This treatment also consists of injections and we use hyaluronic acid gels in them. Hyaluronic acid is produced naturally by your body and it gives the skin its elasticity. There are many face creams that contain hyaluronic acid in a bid to help people’s skin look radiant, but with hyaluronic acid gels, you can give the skin the boost it needs in all the right places. We inject the fine lines with the hyaluronic acid gels and they plump them up, making your skin look more hydrated, smooth and fresh faced. The great thing about dermal fillers is that you will see the results instantly as well! Just like the anti-wrinkle treatment, the procedure only takes a few minutes to administer, so you should easily find the time to pop in to see us. You should only need to have the treatment every 6 months as well, so for a more youthful appearance without having to go under the knife, this could be the way to go for you.

Do either of the procedures hurt?

Neither treatment should cause you any discomfort. We use local anaesthetic for dermal fillers to ensure that you don’t experience any pain. There may be some swelling or bruising immediately after the treatments, but this should reduce quickly and our skilled professionals ensure that this is as unlikely to happen as possible.

To find out more about the treatments we offer, why not book in for your free consultation?  There’s no obligation to pursue treatment and we will enjoy chatting to you about how we can help you to look and feel fabulous!